TD-OLLAMAfor devs

TD-OLLAMA — Information for developers


General information

Project structure

It's a monorepo containing 2 parts:

  • Desktop app apps/desktop (Tauri + Next.js)
  • Website apps/website (Next.js)

To manage it we use turborepo utilizing it's powerfull caching cabapilities.

Code quality

Code quality is checked both on your local machine and on push/pull requests on github side via actions.

  • pre-commit hook runs lint:fix which applies safe fixes to your code via Biome for Next.js parts of application and clippy for Rust Tauri part.
  • pre-push hook runs build:debug which checks if your app compiles (in debug mode for Tauri and regular compilation for Next.js parts).

Local development

Local setup

First install bun deps

bun install

and then prepare git hooks via Husky

bun husky

Run desktop app in dev mode

bun dev:desktop

It spins up Next.js dev server on http://localhost:3000 and Tauri app in watch mode configured to listen to it

Run website in dev mode

bun dev:website

It just runs Next.js dev server on http://localhost:3000.

Compile the project

bun build

Compiled desktop app is located in apps/desktop/core/target/release

If you want to compile the app for other targets go to apps/desktop/core/ and specify it when running build command manually cargo build --release --target=*. Examples:
cargo build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cargo build --release --target=x86_64-apple-darwin
Use rustc --print target-list to check supported targets.

More info

You can also utilize other commands in package.json files so make sure to check them for additional info.